Kamis, 14 Mei 2015

- i honestly don't know what i just wrote -

Hiiii!! I just watched a korean drama called "The Heirs". Some of you maybe already knew this drama. I KNOW. I'M TOO LATE TO WATCH THIS DRAMA. hahaha now i regret it! The drama was good but honestly i dont like the ending. Because they didnt tell what Choi Yeong Do gonna do in the next life. Aaaah i kind of disappointed. But the reason i'm back to write on my blog is because i'm sad and i don't know or i honestly dont want to talk about it to anyone.

Oke! dari beberapa hari yang lalu tiba-tiba gue kepikiran sesuatu. Dan sekarang gue inget tentang sesuatu lagi. Kalo dipikir-pikir, perjalanan cinta gue selalu seperti yeong do di the heirs ini hahaha. Tapi gue ga pernah berbuat jahat kaya si yeong do. Intinya sih ga pernah berhasil. Tapi, gue gak kaya si yeong do juga. Doi masih punya kepercayaan diri yang tinggi pas suka sama eun sang. Lah gue ngga. Gue selalu nyerah kalo suka sama orang.

Dalam pikiran gue selalu muncul kaya gini "emang gue siapa?" atau "sadar diri ajalah ri, mana mungkin dia suka sama lo". Selalu seperti itu. Ini karena luka lama, some people said that to me and i still remember it. It hurts. Too much. How can i like someone if my mind still remind me of that?

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